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Models & Hobbies 4 U carries a selection of model helicopters in Australia from leading brands, such as Revell, Italeri, Hobby Boss, and Zvezda. Fans of military helicopters will find something they can add to their growing collection from the Boeing CH-47 Chinook to the world’s biggest helicopter the Soviet Mil Mi-26 heavy helicopter. Each are highly detailed models of their real-life counterparts and come with a set of instructions for you to follow along. We also have all the tools and accessories needed to help with your model building, including glues, paints, brushes, and more. Shop our online store to find the exact model helicopter you’re looking for - whether it’s diecast model helicopters, scale model helicopters or other quality model helicopters for sale, we’ll be able to help you find the best model kit for your next hobby project. You can also visit our shop in Boronia, Victoria and our owner will be happy to offer friendly advice.

Model Helicopters Shop

Models & Hobbies 4 U is a friendly shop that carries a huge selection of hobby products including model helicopters from some of the top name brands you’ve come to know and trust. Whether you are a beginner hobbyist or have some experience under your belt, we have a selection of model helicopters for sale that’s perfect for all skill levels. For any questions about our supplies, prices, spare parts, or anything else, get in touch and our friendly team will be more than happy to assist. 


We work with quality manufacturers across the globe. Whatever model helicopter you’re after, we’re happy to help you find it.


Scale Model Helicopters

If you are looking for scale model helicopters, we have you covered. We have a range of model helicopters in different scales that are accurate representations of real helicopters that have been deployed around the world. Some of these military helicopters are still in use today. Here’s your chance to build one of these for your collection. Shop at Models & Hobbies 4 U today - your go-to friendly scale model helicopter shop in Australia.